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2020-06-03 来源: 网络投稿 作者: 亚伦



My math scores are very unsatisfactory, and I have always been among the bottom of the class list. I am very distressed about this.


However, in the middle of the second semester of high school, Teacher Guo Xinjing, Grace took over our class. For me, Miss Guo's appearance is undoubtedly a driftwood on the sea and a lighthouse in the dark. At that time, the students in the class were all U-grade students in mathematics. The foundation of everyone was not very good. It is not an exaggeration to describe Miss Guo with "take up a misssion in times of danger". Since the math grades of the whole class were very bad at that time, Miss Guo could only start with changing the learning atmosphere in the class, and at the same time improving the grades of several individual weak students. This is the best solution in the case of that tight time. But I was a student other than an individual one at that time, which made me feel that I was a student who was abandoned by my teacher, so I slept in class and did not do my math homework, and my grades gradually couldn't keep up...



My attitude towards mathematics changed in a subsequent monthly exam. The near-single-digit score on the transcript gave me a shock and I suddenly woke up in my dreams, as if a generation had passed. So during the autumn vacation, I made a call to Miss Guo for a long time because of the grade problem. After listening to the words in Miss Guo's heart, I realized that the teacher would not give up any sigle student. It broke my naive thought before, and I realized that I was not the one who was abandoned by the teacher! Since then, I have made up my mind to improve my math grades.




Due to too much debt owed on math before, I had to spend a lot of time after class to replenish these contents. I was no longer self-abandoned and began to work hard. For others, OT may be to check the leaks and fill the vacancies. However, OT for my mathematics can be said as "Nuwa mends the sky and Jingwei fills the sea". In every self-study class and on every Saturday afternoon, I went to Miss Guo’s office to write homework. Whenever I encountered problems that I didn't understand, I would ask her.  She was always patient. And her ideas to solve each question were very clear and concise, so that even a Mathematics green hand like me could quickly understand and acquire that ways to solve the problems. In this way, under the guidance of Miss Guo, my mathematics progressed very fast, from 10 points to the current score, and our entire class were quickly out of U-grade under her careful teaching and guidance.


There is no doubt that Miss Guo has helped me a lot. This is a breakthrough for a person who has never got a pass in math! As far as I am concerned, the appearance of Miss Guo has made me interested in mathematics, and also made me have a new understanding of teachers. I used to think that teachers only teach us knowledge, but Miss Guo made me re-recognize myself, change myself and become an increasingly excellent and self-disciplined student. She also made me realize the infinite potential hidden in me. Now I am still not good enough, but at some point in the future, under the guidance of the spirit of Miss Guo, I will break into a butterfly and fly to a better and higher place!


撰写:Mystery student

编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

翻译:Daisy       周   萍

朗读:Andy        龚昱达

           Roxy        黄昱榕       

主编:Jane        肖   依

总编:Johnson  张世霖

—Power by Teensen Media—


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