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2020-03-04 来源: 网络投稿 作者: 亚伦
摘要:Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to get it.“天行人不断学习系列五之百年名校探索篇”,文章的作者是Birkdale学习小组,在今年这个“特殊”的冬天,天行指派

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Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to get it.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

“天行人不断学习系列五之百年名校探索篇”,文章的作者是Birkdale学习小组,在今年这个“特殊”的冬天,天行指派各个学科组组长前往英国百年老校——伯克戴尔学校深耕学习一个月。伯克戴尔学校位于英国谢菲尔德,是我们天行的姊妹学校,两校一直保持着非常友好的交流往来关系。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

“知行合一,学无止境。”此次“斥巨资”的学习机会难能可贵,那么天行“取经团队”又给我们带来了哪些教学上的经验呢?我们一起往下看看。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

天行一中国际学校在办学的3年半中,拼搏奋斗,广泛地向同行学习,第一届毕业生和第二届将毕业的学生都拿到了世界百强名校的录取通知书或预录取通知书,至始至终都保持着高质量的教学。今年1月,为了让学校管理和教学质量更上一层楼,天行校领导班子,高瞻远瞩,将视野从国内转向世界,制定了“直接向国外最好的学校学习”的学习目标,斥巨资派遣了由学术副校长带领教研组长的师资代表团前往“西天取经“。1月12日,代表团乘上飞往英国谢菲尔德市的飞机,开始了为期一个月的从Birkdale这所百年高中寻找“西方基础教育之路”的旅程。Birkdale是天行一中在英国的友好学校,是一所神奇的学校。Birkdale不仅在历经百年沧桑巨变时一直保持着谢菲尔德市基础教育的翘楚地位,而且还是英国目前为数不多的在K12阶段只招收男生的学校。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Over the three and a half years of the founding of Teensen Yizhong Cambridge International High School, Teensen has continued to strive for excellence, learned from peers and maintained its teaching quality in a high level. The graduates in the first year and the following have already received Unconditional Offers or Conditional Offers from top 100 universities in the world. In January, an advanced goal was made in Teensen by leading groups to further the management and quality, which is to seek direct experience from the best schools abroad. Then a delegation, led by vice president of academic management, was in financial support to Sheffield, UK. On January 12th, they embarked on a one-month journey to find “the road toward basic western education” in Birkdale School. As Teensen’s twin school in UK, amazingly, Birkdale has been one of the few schools in UK which only recruit boys in the K12 stage during its century-old history, and it has still kept its outstanding position in Sheffield’s basic education .2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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校风之探寻2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

密码记忆——铭记历史,创造未来2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

学校里有好几栋教学楼,每栋教学楼都要输入密码才能进入,这个密码是XXXX,因为这所学校创办于1904年(密码是这四个数字的组合)。学生和老师无数次输入这个密码,无数次被暗示这所学校有着辉煌久远的历史;无数次激发师生们对学校历史的骄傲和自豪感,并以此为标杆,无数次鼓舞他们继续创造辉煌。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

In Birkdale School, each teaching building is is only accessible by with password 1904, since the school was founded in 1904, combination of these four numbers. Being repeatedly input for numerous times by teachers and students here, the password reveals the hidden glorious history of this school. Thus such a gold standard permanently inspires teachers and students to be proud and recreate the brilliance. 2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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特色晨会——宣扬基督教义,赋予时代意义2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

学校一周有三种晨会,分为校晨会、年级晨会和house 晨会。每个晨会15分钟,主要内容分成两个部分:第一部分是事务性事情,比如通知,表彰和批评等;第二部分是老师灌输心灵鸡汤,老师根据不同主题进行7-10分钟演讲。在这里,初中和高中老师总共40人左右(小学在另一个校区),大家算一下就会有惊人的发现:一方面是让人叹为观止的晨会数量和老师的博学!这里中学部一周正常有11个晨会(一周校晨会1个,年级晨会7个,house晨会3个),老师要做11次演讲,每月就一共有44次演讲,那就意味着每个老师至少每月有1-2次的演讲任务。如此高频的高水平的演讲,40来个老师肚子里得有多少干货,得不断的自我充电多少次啊!可以说,他们的博学成就了Birkdale的历史,而Birkdale这个平台也造就了他们的博学!另一方面是让人惊叹的教育结果:老师能够不断地沉淀、扩大阅历、再沉淀,输出给学生,这本身就是进行自我思想教育与提升的过程;而学生也能够在高频地被教育中迅速提高思想境界。Birkdale的晨会让我对一种力量感到敬畏:一件小事,通过一群人有责任心的、有热情的、有高度的、反复的去做,就变成了一件伟大的事。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Three different assemblies are held in Birkdale every week, respectively the whole school, the whole grade and the whole house. Each assembly lasts 15 minutes for two parts, one is notice affairs like rewards and punishments, and the other is motivational speeches from teachers, ranging from 7-10 minutes according to different topics.. There are about 40 teachers in  secondary schools in total (primary school is located at another campus), thus it is amazing to hold such assemblies. How erudite the teachers are! 1 school assembly, 7 grade assemblies and 3 house assemblies, that means there are 11 per week and 44 each month, and each teacher will make at least1-2 speeches every month if counted carefully. Such frequent speeches in good quality did really show the encyclopedically learnt outcome from the teachers there. Undoubtedly, their erudition waters Birkdale and Birkdale breeds them. On the other hand, it bears abundant fruits. Teachers choose ceaseless learning and then preach, which is in itself a process of self ideological education and promotion. And students nourish themselves during such a rapid progress. I’m awed by such a power when attending the assembly, a great thing that comes from repeating a small thing with responsibility, enthusiasm, height by a group of people.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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手机管理——言传身教2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Birkdale 管理人员用了两个办法就极大的降低了老师和学生使用手机的频率。这个低频率是指在我们访问的30天中几乎没看过老师和学生使用手机,所以神奇吧。这两条是:1)老师的办公软件是校园网的e-mail,老师在校期间与同事进行网络沟通或进行家校沟通时都必须通过邮件的形式;2)老师在办公室外不允许使用手机。初到时,我们作为高频使用手机的人,真的憋坏了!更糟糕的是,没带相机,而所有的素材几乎都在办公室之外,手机的拍照功能被这条规定直接废掉了。但我们还是选择了“在校时间内放下手机”,与其说这是入乡随俗,倒不如说是在Birkdale随意用手机让人会有负疚感和羞耻感。我只在这个学校呆了不长的时间就有这样的感觉,可见他们言传身教的力量有多大!Birkdale 的手机管理教育可以说是无言的教育,但确有”此时无声胜有声“的效果。此刻,作为同行,有着同样的手机管理问题的我们要反省!我们用制度,可以说非常严苛的制度去管理手机,轻则退宿,重则退学,但是效果一比之下见高低。Birkdale的方法并没有很高明,可它的老师却高明地成就了好的管理的效果——当他们觉得有必要纠正学生的手机使用过渡问题时,他们共同选择了放下自己的欲望,克服了不用手机的不便利,用自己的行为日复一日地教育学生。这种集体式的、统一一致的言传身教是校风建设中最难能可贵!Birkdale的手机管理让我对一种力量感到敬畏:一件小事,通过一群人有责任心的、有热情的、有高度的、反复去做,就变成了一件伟大的事。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Two measures are effectively used to reduce the frequency of teachers and students using mobile phones in Birkdale. The low refers to that we hardly find teachers and students using mobile phones during the 30-day-visit. How amazing! ONE is that teaches are supposed to text with colleagues or parents only through emails of the campus network while working, and TWO is teachers are not allowed to use mobile phones outside the office. When we arrived, it was indeed changeable for us phone-support-human. What’s worse was that we have no cameras, and we could do nothing with the materials outside the office with the ban of phones. But we chose to do as the Romans do, since one would be guilty and ashamed when using it in campus. I just stayed here for short days, but the feeling surrounded me. I can’t help imagining the power of example. In Birkdale, mobile phone management is ruled on the condition of silence, but in deed silence is better than voice. At that moment, as a peer, we are supposed to reflect the management of phone in our school.  Students would be dropped out of dorm or even school, but such rigorous rule doesn't bring any satisfactory results. The method is not very clever in Birkdale, while teachers there have achieved a good effect. As it becomes necessary to correct the transition of using mobile phones among students, their teachers jointly put down the desire and overcome the inconvenience. They educate the students by living like an example everyday. Collective and unified education is the most valuable in the construction of school spirit. I’m awed by power when behaving like examples, a great thing comes from repeating a small thing with responsibility, enthusiasm, height by a group of people.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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学习习惯培养,具备高度的统一性和持续性2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

课堂笔记,是谁都有过的。但在这,如何培养学生记笔记刷新了我这个教龄超过20年的老师的认知。大家可以直观看到:Birdale的各科笔记本大小一样,各年级用封面颜色加以区别,同年级封面颜色一样,各科笔记的格式要求几乎一样。笔记内容都是老师精心设计的,所有学生的笔记都一样,部分作业还被要求黏贴在笔记本上,上完课要求上交检查。这些从表象上看似很简单,但是你们用代入法计算一下结果:试想一下,一个学生从学前班到高中,也就是从4岁到18岁共14年间经历不同的学科、不同的老师,却接受同一种记笔的方法训练,这个学生在记笔记的习惯上会变得多么卓越!我们刚开始以为这是学校规定的,但当Birkdale老师用interesting评价我们这项的发现时,我们才发现,这是他们潜意识的行为,更严格的说,是Birkdale学校深厚文化传承的体现。无独有偶,在上小学3年级物理课时,Black老师给出清晰的指令让孩子们放回实验器材,我们认为这个教学步骤对学生收检习惯培养很有好处。接着,在另一节小学一年级的历史课上,我们又碰见了这个教学步骤——老师给出非常清晰的指令,让孩子们将学习用品一样一样的放进文件袋里。此后我们在无数节跨越小学和中学的课程里都见到了这个步骤。我们被深深地震撼了:一个学校,在14年的养成教育中,注重细节,贯穿始终,方法一致。大家可以想象得到这里的学生的学习素养。一件小事,通过一群人有责任心的、有热情的、有高度的、反复去做,就变成了一件伟大的事。2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Everyone takes notes in class, however here the training of taking notes in  Birkdale refreshes me who has been teaching for over 20 years. It could be observed that notebooks in  Birkdale are thesame in size and form, but distinguished by colors for different grades. The contents are carefully designed by teachers. All notes are the same. Part of homework is also required to be pasted on the notebook. It seems to be simple. Whereas, if you assess it by substitution, imagine that a student is trained by the same method of note-taking from preschool to high school, which is from 4 to 18 years old, and from different subjects to different teachers, how excellent the student will become in taking notes! At first, we assume that it is a rule in Birkdale. But when the teacher evaluates our findings as “interesting”, we discover that it is only a subconscious behavior, as well as the embodiment of   Birkdale's deep cultural heritage. Coincidentally, on  a physics class of the third grade, Mr. Black gives clear instructions for the children to put back the experimental equipment. We believe the teaching step is very beneficial to the cultivation of students' inspection habits. Later, in another history class of first grade, we came across it again. Clear instructions are arranged for children, which is to let students put the school supplies in the same file bag. We have seen the step in countless sessions across primary and secondary schools. We are deeply shocked. Educational principles like paying attention to the details, running through the wholeprocess and using the same method are put into the 14-year-education, therefore the learning literacy of the students here could be imagined. A great thing comes from repeating a small thing with responsibility, enthusiasm, height by a group of people.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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校风建设之领悟2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Bikdale的思想教育和养成习惯教育无疑是很成功的,它的校风在当地可见一斑。在学校里,跨越14个年级(包括学前班),你可以肉眼看见很多小事演化发展成为大事的伟大过程,正如我在前面反复讲的一句话:“一件小事,通过一群人有责任心的、有热情的、有高度的、反复去做,就变成了一件伟大的事。”同时,我更想知道是什么让他们拥有这些品质,让他们会团结在一起,自觉地、以身作则地,润物细无声地,滴水穿石般地进行校风建设?当繁杂的事情回归本源的时候,往往很简单,我们悟到的道理:首先是文化引领---Birkdale老师们对学校百年文化积淀的认同;其次是职业道德引领---Birkdale的老师们具备高尚的职业道德。当两者合二为一时,老师们团结统一的执行每个教育教学细节,学校就具备着巨大的教育教学力量。  2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Undoubtedly, Birkdale possesses successful ideological and habituation education and good school spirit locally. Across 14 grades (including preschool) in school, the great evolution to great things could be found on your own. Like what I have said before, a great thing comes from repeating the same small thing with responsibility, enthusiasm, height by a group of people. And I wonder what makes them possess these qualities, let them unite together and consciously lead by example while building up the school in silence and constancy. It is usually simple when back to roots. We recognize the identification of the century-old accumulation and high professional ethics from teachers in Birkdale. When they are combined, the teachers implement each detail jointly, and the school has the greatest force of education.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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2020年9月天行一中将搬入南昌美丽的后花园湾里,学校也将升级成为拥有小学、初中和国际高中的综合性学校。我们所取的“经”将不遗余力地被运用到新校区的校风建设中,使未来的天行具有强大教育教学内驱力,成为高品质的教育品牌2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

In September 2020, Teensen Yizhong Cambridge International High School will move to the beautiful back garden in Wanli district, Nanchang. Teensen will also be upgraded to a comprehensive school combined with elementary, middle and international high schools. The experiences we has taken will be entirely applied to the construction of school spirit in new campus, by doing so Teensen will have a strong driving force in education and therefore become a high-quality educational brand in the future.2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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编辑:Mary        徐文轩2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

翻译:Sydia       熊文琪
           Shelley    周诗卿 
朗读: Cathy      乐开心
           Lucas      高旭东
主编:Jane           肖   依

总编:Gary         高   2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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来源:天行中文2kI新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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