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2020-01-20 来源: 网络投稿 作者: 亚伦

冉冉晨雾重,晖晖冬日微。寒假是一个学期的结束,孩子们开始了愉快的假期。但天行一中的老师们仍在继续进行着教学研讨学习,如何全方位培养学生的综合能力是天行每个老师永恒的课题。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The morning fog is heavy, and the winter sun is slight.The winter vacation is the end of a semester, children will start a pleasant holiday.But Teensen’s  teachers are still proceeding with teaching research study, how to cultivate students comprehensive ability in all aspect is Teensen’s every teacher ‘s eternal subject.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

下面就跟小编一起来看看各教研组的精彩花絮吧。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

And then,Let's take a look at the fascinating tidbits of each teaching and research group with our editor.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头一FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

数学组——使学生“学有所乐 学有所用”FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

数学学科子分类多,光A-Level就有纯数、统计学、机构数学,再往高数部分又有决策论等。每本数学书中又都有许多定理和结论,需要花大量时间研究与练习。如何让孩子们维持学习数学的动力不衰退,是数学组一直研究的一条主线。数学组坚持“学有所乐,学有所用”,让孩子们体会数学的乐趣,并将数学知识应用到各学科中去才能使教授这门课达到事半功倍的效果。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Mathematics has plenty of subcategories,including pure Numbers, statistics, and institutional mathematics in A-level system, and then decision theory at advanced mathematics.Every math book has a lot of theorems and conclusions that require a lot of time to research and practice for it.How to enable children maintain the motivation to learn mathematics, is a principal line that mathematics group has always been researching.The mathematics group insists on "learning is fun, learning is useful"which can make the children experience the fun of mathematics, and try to apply mathematical knowledge in various subjects to make the teaching of this course achieve twice the result with half the effort.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

数学的精髓不是做题的数量,而是掌握思想。每一个数学分支都有自已的主线思想和方法论,不同分支也有相互可供对比和借鉴的思维方式。留意它,并模仿它,琐碎的知识点就能串成一条项链,这门课程也就可以掌握了。思想并不是读一本教材就能轻易了解的,要读很多本书,并且通过实际应用才能提炼出来。就高中阶段而言,最主要的几种数学思想包括:数形结合、分类讨论、函数思想、划归与转化等等。数学组坚持同一门学科研读不同版本的教材,汲取各类教材的亮点,集思广益,再传道授业。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The essence of mathematics is not the number of the question that you’ve practised, but the mastery of ideas.Each branch of mathematics has its own main ideas and methodology, different branches of mathematics also have ways of thinking for comparison and reference for each other.Paying attention to it, and then imitating it, trivial knowledge can be strung into a necklace, so the course can be mastered.Ideas are not easy to understand by reading only one textbook,you need to get them by reading many books and refining them through practical application.In terms of high school period, the most important mathematical ideas include:symbolic-graphic combination,classified discussion, function thinking, classification and transformation etc..The mathematics group insists on studying different versions of textbooks in the same subject, absorbing the highlights of various textbooks and putting their heads together, and then teaching.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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在为期一周的总结性教研活动中,数学组各成员有效分工,一起钻研新的考试大纲,就纯数、统计学、高数各学科的新大纲进行了仔细研究,并对重难点进行了分章节梳理。就一些学生难以理解的部分进行了激烈的探讨,每一位老师在这种热烈氛围的熏陶下,积极进行质量分析和反思,不断改善教学措施。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

During the week-long conclusive teaching and researching activity, members of the mathematics group divided their work effectively, studied the new examination syllabus together carefully , which included pure Numbers, statistics and advanced mathematics. and sorted out the key points and difficulties by chapter.and have an intense discussion on some parts that is difficult for student to understand, each teacher in this warm atmosphere kept on quality analysis and rethinking actively, and  improve the teaching measures constantly .FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头二FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

物理组——养成学生严谨的学术素养和逻辑思维能力FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

物理AS部分是整个A-Level物理的基础,也是非常重要的一部分,大多数学生第一次接触该部分的知识。该部分由罗文超老师主持,主要对AS大纲要求的力、电、波、放射性、误差分析等部分的知识点进行了串讲;强调了重点、难点、常见的题型考法;并把教学实践中可能碰到的问题提出来进行讨论。与此同时,王祎伟老师对力学部分的教学、教学进度的把控提供了很好的补充。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The physics AS part is the foundation of the whole a-level physics it is also a very vital part. Most students are exposed to this part for the first time.This part was presided over by Danny, who mainly conducted a series of lectures on force, electricity, wave, radioactivity, error analysis and other knowledge points required by AS outline.The key points, difficult points and common test methods are emphasized by him.And he also put forward the problem that may encounter in teaching practice to carry on the discussion.At the same time,Maywonder provided a good supplement to the teaching of force and the control of teaching progress.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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A2部分难度大、教学时间紧张,需要老师们对A2的大纲、考试重难点有全面的把握。该部分培训由黄悦老师主持,黄悦老师将重力场、电场、磁场统一起来进行介绍,对不同场中的力、场强、势和势能进行对比,并对同学们易犯的错误进行重点讲解。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

A2 part is difficult and the time for teaching is pretty tight, so teachers need to have a comprehensive grasp of A2 outline and key points that appears in exam.This part of the training was presided over by Yue, who introduced the gravitational field, electric field and magnetic field all, she compared the force, field strength, potential and potential energy in different fields, and she focused on explaining the common mistakes that made by students.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

物理学紧密联系现实生活,一方面我们希望通过生活中的物理现象启发学生,激起其学习物理的兴趣;另一方面,我们也希望培养孩子们透过现象看到本质,学会用物理原理分析问题的能力。通过对重力场、电场、磁场的对比教学,可以使学生们习得类比和归纳的学习方法,逐步拓宽其物理学的视野。希望通过脉络清晰,推导严密的教学,同学们能够逐渐养成严谨的学术素养和逻辑思维能力。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Physics is closely related to real life. On the one hand, we hope to inspire students through physical phenomena in life and arouse their interest in learning physics.On the other hand, we also hope to develop children's ability to see the essence through phenomena and learning to analyze problems with the principles of physics.Through the comparative teaching of gravitational field, electric field and magnetic field, students can acquire the learning methods of analogy and induction, and gradually broaden their horizons of physics.It is hoped that through the teaching of clear context and strict derivation, students can gradually develop rigorous academic accomplishment and logical thinking ability.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头三FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

化学组——锻炼学生从科学理性的角度思考问题,分析问题FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

此次化学组教研围绕新考纲展开,我们对新旧考纲逐字逐句的对比,找出新考纲中添加和删减的内容,掌握CIE大考命题新动向。同时,围绕着新考纲,研读对于学生化学学习素养的新要求,如何在课堂中锻炼学生从科学理性的角度思考问题,分析问题的能力。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The teaching and researching of the chemistry group centered on the new syllabus. We compared the new syllabus word by word to find out what was added and deleted in the new syllabus, so as to grasp the new trend of CIE test topics.At the same time, based on the new syllabus, studying the new requirements for students' learning attainment in chemistry, and learn how to train students' ability to think and analyze problems from a scientific and rational perspective in class.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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同时化学组对“如何上好一堂化学课”展开了激烈的讨论,在今后化学课堂中,多引导学生从实验探究新知,系统培养学生“发现问题,分析问题,解决问题”的思维方式。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

At the same time, the chemistry group had a heated discussion on "how to teach a good chemistry class". In the future chemistry classes, students should be guided to explore new knowledge from experiments and teachers will cultivated the thinking mode of "discovering, analyzing and solving problems"systematically.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头四FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

生物组——培养学生的专业阅读能力FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

生物的教研主要针对IGCSE Biology 与A-Level Biology课程的融合设计。鉴于生物学科在A level课程中难度较大,对单词和阅读能力要求较高的现实,重点要做到在IGCSE阶段给同学们打下学科以及专业词汇的基础;让同学们在A-Level阶段的学习中,掌握较好的学科阅读能力。因此,此次教研主要对两本教材进行了仔细研读分析,认真规划出同学们在每个阶段的重点学习内容,需要掌握的能力,以及须着重培养的学科素养,为以后的生物教学明确了方向。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

Biology teaching and research focuses on the fusion design of IGCSE Biology and A-level Biology.In view of the fact that biology is a difficult subject in A-level courses and requires A high level of vocabulary and reading skills, it is important to lay the foundation of discipline and professional vocabulary for students in the IGCSE stage.Enable students master good reading ability of subjects in the study of a-level.Therefore, this research mainly conducted a careful study and analysis of the two textbooks, and carefully planned out the students' key learning contents at each stage, the ability that need to be mastered, and the discipline accomplishment which are asked to be cultivated, thus clarifying the direction of biology teaching in the future.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头五FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

会计组——培养学生独立思考能力及会计思维FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

会计组的教研重点是编制AS/A2知识点思维导图。Shelly老师告诉我们:“会计这门学科虽然计算难度较低,文字叙述要求不高,但是特别强调学生思维思路的建立。”通过整理AS/A2知识点的思维导图,有利于帮助学生在总复习时整理思路,查漏补缺,弥补不足。在教学中通过引导学生构建思维导图可以培养学生独立思考能力及会计思维。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The teaching and researching focus of accounting group is to compile AS/A2 knowledge point a mind map.Shelly told us, "although accounting is a subject with low computational difficulty and low written description requirements, it has special emphasis on the establishment of students' thinking."By sorting out the mind map of AS/A2 knowledge points, it is helpful to help students to sort out their thoughts during the general review,and to check for omissions and make up for deficiencies.By guiding students to construct mind map in teaching, students' independent thinking ability and accounting thinking can be cultivated.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头六FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

商科组——拓宽知识深度FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

商科组是本学年新建立的学科,需要完善校本教材以便提高接下来学年的教学质量。商科知识点庞杂且多,要求的英文能力更高。本次的教研内容主要为近10年的商科试卷paper1/paper2的章节及难度分类,题目的整理有利于帮助学生按照学习进度逐步练习熟悉真题,拓宽知识深度。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The business group is a newly established discipline in this year, and school-based teaching materials need to be improved to heightened the quality of teaching in the coming academic year.Business knowledge is complex and aboundant, the requirement of English is higher.The teaching and researching content is mainly the chapters and difficulty classification of paper1/paper2 which is the business examination paper of recent 10 years. The arrangement of the questions is conducive to helping students to practice and get familiar with the real paper step by step according to the learning progress and broaden the depth of knowledge.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头七FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

英语组——提升学生对于英语学习的积极性及趣味性FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

英语组的老师们通过分科进行大纲梳理的方式,从听说读写各个板块对最新的2020年ESL考试大纲进行了深入的考点剖析,以及从如何结合常规的教学进行学生英语各项能力的培养的角度进行了激烈而深刻的讨论。在培训开始之前,组内通过问卷的方式收集了本学期各位老师课上课后所存在的共性以及个性的问题,并进行了自己教学成果的总结。通过从相互的问题中找到自己的教学思路,从对方的教学成果中探讨教学策略的切入点问题以及教学法,老师能够充分地互补互助,相互汲取教育教学的营养和获取教学灵感,使本次培训成为知识的共享和思想的碰撞。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

The teachers of the English group made an in-depth analysis of the latest ESL syllabus for 2020 from the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing by sorting out the syllabus of each subject. They also had an intense and profound discussion on how to cultivate students' English abilities in combination with conventional teaching.Before the start of the training, the group collected the common and individual problems of each teacher in this semester through questionnaires, and made a summary of their teaching achievements.By finding out their own teaching ideas from each other's problems, discussing the starting point of teaching strategies and teaching methods from each other's teaching results, teachers can fully complement and help each other, absorb the nutrition of education and  obtain teaching inspiration, which making this training a knowledge sharing and collision of ideas.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

本次培训中,各位老师还探讨了日常教学过程中听、说、读、写各项能力的培养思路和教学理念。作为语言,英语不仅仅是一门学科,更是一种工具,通过这一工具,国际留学生方能在异国他乡出国留学时候更好地融入于当地的生活与学习,然而对于中国学生而言,最大的短板在于口语和写作,为了增加学生的日常英语口语和写作的练习量和学习积极性,各位老师各献计谋,有老师提出在各个班级之间定期进行debate来锻炼学生的批判性思维以及逻辑严谨性,也有老师提出采用story telling的方式提升学生对于英语学习的积极性及趣味性。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

In this training, teachers also discussed the training ideas and teaching concepts of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the daily teaching process.As a language, English is not only a discipline, but also a tool, by this tool, international students can go abroad to study in the foreign country so that student will feel better in the local life and learning, for Chinese students, however, the biggest short slab is in speaking and writing, in order to increase the students' daily spoken English and writing practice and learning motivation, teachers give counsel, a teacher advise to debate between class regularly ib order to exercise the student's critical thinking and logical rigor,Some teachers also proposed to use story telling to improve students' enthusiasm and interest in English learning.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

镜头八FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

语文组——培养学生的审美情趣FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

此次教研活动,老师们群策群力,在结合CIE语文考试大纲的基础上,对语文的校本教材的编订进行了分析,同时也补充了很多实用的教法,相信语文老师们灵感碰撞,一定会让“趣学现代文学”课程更加生动有趣,在符合学生的学习需求的同时培养学生的审美情趣,知道什么才是真善美,增强文化自信。下学期的课程新增加了古诗文教学,古诗文是中国文化的精粹,古人的很多智慧都蕴藏在这些作品的字里行间,在今后的教学中,要加强对古诗文的细节挖掘。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

During this teaching and research activity,teachers pool the wisdom and effort of everyone,cultivating on the basis of the combination of CIE language exam outline, and analyzes the language of the school-based teaching materials compilation, they also added a lot of practical teaching, at the same time, we believe that the Chinese teachers inspiration collision will make "have interest to study modern literature" course more vivid and interesting, it can not only meet the demand of students' study but also develop the students' aesthetic temperament and interest, making student to know what is true kindness and beauty, enhancing culture confidence.The course of the next semester will add the teaching of ancient poetry, which is the essence of Chinese culture. A lot of wisdom of the ancients is contained in the lines of these works. In the future teaching, the details of ancient poetry should be explored.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

千里之行,始于足下。天行一中始终坚持“教研走共享创新之路”,只有我们扎实走好每一步,才能在今后教学道路上走的更稳更远。天行一中始终坚持“办中国一流国际学校”,一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)B(bold勇敢无畏)C(caring乐于助人)D(devoted奉献精神)E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE“这五种素养为培养目标,让孩子接受真正的全人教育。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.Teensen middle school always adheres to the principle of "teaching and research take the road of Shared innovation". Only when we take a solid step,  we can go further and on the road of teaching more steadily in the future.Teensen high school has always insisted on "To be China's first-class and ace international school", and has been taking A (ambitious) B (bold) C (caring) D (devoted) E (erudite), "ABCDE" as the cultivation goal, so that children can receive A real holistic education.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

新的一年天行人的脚步从不停歇,在无问西东的前行路上,想完成每位孩子的世界百强名校梦想,也完成天行人的每一个梦。FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

In the New Year, Teensen”s people never stop their steps. They want to fulfill every child's dream of being one of the student of world's top 100 universities and fulfill every dream of Teensen’s student.FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

EndFMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

撰写:Jane      肖   依FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

编辑:Wendy   贾西贝FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

翻译:Annie     胡昕嫄FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

朗读:Ella        付艺菲FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

           Lucas    高旭东FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

           Chloe    邹可毓FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

           Cecilia   罗雅歆FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

主编:Jane      肖    依FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

总编:Gary      高   陆FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

文章来源:公众号《天行中文》FMf新闻快讯网 - 头条快讯网,最新最快的新闻资讯门户

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